
This is a Family Bicycle Pump Track on a municipal athletic field complex.


With West Milford Economic Development Committee support and volunteer labor by JORBA and Team Town Cycle volunteers (in August-September 2012), this project was a true town-wide team effort . With local riders shaping dirt, and political support supplied by WM EDC and many township officials (council and mayor) this project is completed and open for riding.


Please note that this couldn’t have happened without support by Councilman Mike Ramaglia, Eric and Henry of West Milford Engineering, Gerry at DPW, and WM Recreation. There were many other people too, too many too list in fact. Thank you everyone < that was a part of this. In addition a generous donation of excavating equipment by Sean Rice Excavating was in no small part vital and we cannot thank Sean enough for his use of machines. 10999736_10153166754749259_7145762487750155748_o

Jim Dellavalle and Paul Bechtel of McClane and Associates were responsible for the design and fielding endless questions on build best practices.

Please support your local Family Pump Track.. Its important to note that ongoing support will be through our sponsors, continued by township officials, council and mayor, and you, the riding community. Please ask one of us how you can help with maintenance or donations (money or materials)!